Reply To: Proxy option and bug

Home Forums System Ninja Support Proxy option and bug Reply To: Proxy option and bug

Shane Gowland

Proxy support: We have very basic support for Windows proxy configurations that are handled by the operating system. ISA and other high-level proxy applications aren’t supported (yet)

A lot of the scripts are sourced from ‘winapp2.ini,’ however we’ve added quite few of our own. Sometimes we will write scripts for System Ninja and then contribute them back to winapp2.ini so other cleaners can use them.

Not all of the scripts are mapped to the “Misc” section. Currently you will disable cleansync and manually remove the entries you don’t want. We’re working on a better system in future versions. It will hopefully show up in the nightly builds sometime next month.

1: We’ll look into this. I don’t seem to be able to reproduce it, but will keep looking.

2: Anything beyond 93% is simply enumeration of files that were found during the scan. This will still be completed (through to 100%), even if the scan has been cancelled.

3: In “Scan Hard Drive” mode, the “known junk locations” on C: will always be scanned, even if C: is unselected.

To scan ONLY a specific hard drive, click the drop-down part of the “Scan For Junk” button and put System Ninja into “Scan Folder” mode.