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JavaRa 2.0 and command line

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support JavaRa 2.0 and command line

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  • #8140

    Shane, can you confirm when 2.0 will be able to silently uninstall all (or all but the most current) version(s) of Java using command line only?




    Shane, can you confirm the latest options to remove everything silently are
    JavaRa.exe /CLEAN /PURGE /REMOVEOLD /SILENT /UPDATEDEFS /UNINSTALLALL could you please also explain in 2 words what each of the options does? Thank you, Lukas


    Shane, can you confirm the latest options to remove everything silently are
    JavaRa.exe /CLEAN /PURGE /REMOVEOLD /SILENT /UPDATEDEFS /UNINSTALLALL could you please also explain in 2 words what each of the options does? Thank you, Lukas

    This! Some kind of basic explanation of what these switches do would be beneficial. This is exactly why I created an account here. Sorry to resurrect an older thread but this seems needed. I have a feeling that things like PURGE and CLEAN are not what we think they are. Also an accurate description of what makes REMOVEOLD different from UNINSTALLALL would be nice.


    Command Switches for JavaRA 2.1.
    Does anyone have a list of the command switches for v. 2.1? I am trying to UNINSTALL ALL versions of Java installed on the machine, so i can install the latest nightmare version of Java. I have found some switches that do not work. Currently I am trying JavaRa.exe /UPDATEDEFS /UNINSTALLALL /SILENT but it keeps popping up a confirmation message. I have 12,000 computers to deal with and cannot touch every one.
    Has anyone had any luck getting this program to run silently? I have full admin rights on the machine when I run this script:
    IF NOT EXIST %TEMP%\JavaRa\JavaRa.exe COPY \\SERVERPATH\java7\uninstaller\javara-2.1\Javara\JavaRa.exe %TEMP%\JavaRa\
    IF NOT EXIST %TEMP%\JavaRa\JavaRa.def COPY \\SERVERPATH\java7\uninstaller\javara-2.1\JavaRa\JavaRa.def %TEMP%\JavaRa\
    CD %TEMP%\JavaRa
    CD ..
    RMDIR /Q /S .\JavaRa
    Anyone? Bueller?


    I was hopeful when I found this tool as I have 100’s of systems to clean up. Is this tool still being developed?
    Unfortunately, I’ve run into the same issues as the previous post.


    Shane Gowland

    Commandline Arguments

    JavaRa 2.0 introduced several new commandline arguments, which allow its functions to be operated with a script or across a network. This functionality is still new and requires further development to ensure compatibility across a range of different platforms and environments.

    The supported commandline arguments are:
    /SILENT – Hides the graphical user interface and suppresses all dialog messages and error reports.
    /PURGE – Removes all JRE related registry keys, files and directories.
    /CLEAN – Removes only JRE registry keys from previous version.
    /UNINSTALLALL – Run the built-in uninstaller for all versions of JRE detected. Does not support the /SILENT argument at this time.
    /UPDATEDEFS – Downloads a new copy of the JavaRa definitions, without a version comparison.


    Hi Shane,

    It would be great for /UNINSTALLALL to also support /SILENT argument.
    And if /UPDATEDEFS to compared the definitions.

    Just wondering was the /REMOVEOLD option removed?

    Thank you,


    Any chance for this?

    Shane Gowland

    Sorry, email notifications for this forum haven’t been working correctly.

    /UNINSTALLALL is now compatible with the /SILENT switch. For best results, use the development branch.

    /UPDATEDEFS will have definition file version comparison soon. Progress can be followed in the related Github issue.

    /REMOVEOLD was removed due to issues detecting the most recent version (the one that shouldn’t be removed).


    Still no go here. Using the commands “JavaRa.exe /UPDATEDEFS /UNINSTALLALL /SILENT” with version 2.2 does nothing, except throw a .NET “unhandled exception” if the .DEF files already exists. Deleting the .DEF file allows another one to be downloaded, but then nothing happens. This occurs locally or from a network location. JavaRA.exe flashes in the Task manager but removes nothing. I have both 6u31 and 7u21 installed on the test machine. Basically, I want to uninstall all versions of Java so I can install the latest version. So far, I haven’t found anything that can do this.

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