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JavaRa and 64Bit systems

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support JavaRa and 64Bit systems

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  • #3384
    Shane Gowland

    Does JavaRa work for clearing out Java remnants on 64-bit systems, including 32-bit installs of Java on 64-bit systems? I don’t see any reference to Wow6432Node so I assume not but wanted to check.

    Shane Gowland

    Version 2.0 beta automatically rewrites the registry/filesystem paths contained in the definition file to point to x64 locations, if run on an x64 operating system.

    The 1.x versions don’t have this feature.

    Shane Gowland

    Could V2 incorporate a 32/64 bit command line switch?
    I have 32 and 64 bit Javas installed on my 64bit platform, I would only what to clean 32bit Java entries prior to upgrading 32bit Java on a 64bit platform, then maybe clean 64bit Java entries before updating 64bit Java. It looks like V2 will only clean the Java entries for the ‘native’ number of bits of the OS it run on, not so good if you run 32bit and 64bit Java.



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