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ProcessAlive – Automatically restart crashed programs

Home Forums Product Support ProcessAlive – Automatically restart crashed programs

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  • #8130 Reply

    Alright Thank you sir, seems like it would be a good option and would use less CPU cycles.
    Currently I see ProcessAlive-0.6.exe using about 10% in the task-manager constantly.

    So if you can add an option to check from 1-10 minutes that would be great!

    #8131 Reply

    Old Location of ProcesAlive C:\
    Current Location C:\xampp\apache

    I have noticed when ProcessAlive tries to restart some programs I get an error saying
    “C++ Debug Insertion Failed cpp”

    I am able to clear this error by moving ProcessAlive into the directory of the program that crashed.
    After that ProcessAlive is able to restart the crashed program with no error related problems.

    #8136 Reply

    Any luck with this yet?

    #8137 Reply
    Shane Gowland

    I’ve made some progress with the delay feature. I’ve added a dialog that’s accessible from the Taskbar context menu, which allows the delay to be set while ProcessAlive is monitoring processes.

    The only thing left to do is make the delay setting persistent by saving it in process_list.ini. That way it won’t need to be manually set each time you start the program.

    I’ve also addressed some of the memory usage flaws in the design. That should reduce the number of CPU cycles needed on each check.

    #8138 Reply

    That is exactly what I was looking for!
    Your doing a great job!

    #8139 Reply

    Hello Shane

    I am very excited about your new changes.
    Especially “reduce the number of CPU cycles needed on each check.”
    When will this be updated or released?

    #8202 Reply
    Shane Gowland

    I’ve just released ProcessAlive 0.7, which is available in the first post of this thread.

    Changes include the new restart delay feature and improved performance. You can read the release announcement post at my personal blog.

    #8237 Reply


    This is just the program I’ve been looking for. Unfortunatly, it doesn’t work for me. No matter what .exe I browse to, I always get “Only executible files are supported.”

    Am I missing something?


    #8238 Reply
    Shane Gowland

    Can’t reproduce. Try the old version 0.6 (which I know works fine) and see if that resolves the issue. If it does, please reply back so I can identify the bug in the latest version.

    #8240 Reply


    is it possible to set process alive autorun for specific user? my pc have multiple users. each logged user will execute process alive at logon automatically if i set process alive to autorun.


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