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Screenshot System Ninja v3.1.1 Error in the program after cleaning Folder Config

Home Forums System Ninja Support Screenshot System Ninja v3.1.1 Error in the program after cleaning Folder Config

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    Screenshot System Ninja v3.1.1 Error in the program after cleaning Folder Config Files


    Cleaned PC (OS Windows 7 x32 Language Russian) the program System Ninja v3.1.1 put all the checkboxes to search for trash (Settings folders, Folder Config Files).
    Noticed the Error (Error) after cleaning, in the context menu, by selecting Send all labels steel in English (desktop (create shortcut), Addressee, etc)!
    And also renamed the folder in the start menu – the folder Service and Standard. c:\Users\..ТВОЕ..\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\
    Desktop (create shortcut) – Рабочий стол (создать ярлык) or Compressed (zipped) Folder – Сжатая ZIP-папка, Mail Recipient – Адресат,
    Then on the way c:\Users\..ТВОЕ..\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Главное menu\Programs renamed, Maintenance – Обслуживание,
    Стандартные-Windows – Accessories, Command prompt – Командная строк, Run – Выполнить, Windows Explorer – Проводник, Notepad – Блокнот, System Tools – Служебные — Windows
    Accessibility – Spec. opportunities etc


    Confirm. If you delete Folder Config Files, the folder names are renamed from Russian to English. And the context menu Send To.

    Shane Gowland

    That is really odd.

    Is this a permanent change, or do they revert back to Russian?


    Yep, this permanent effect.


    Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance\Desktop.ini:

    Create Recovery Disc.lnk=@%systemroot%\system32\recdisc.exe,-2000
    Backup and Restore Center.lnk=@%systemroot%\system32\sdcpl.dll,-101
    Remote Assistance.lnk=@%SystemRoot%\system32\msra.exe,-100

    Delete ini files – lost Links for translation.


    And it is possible that in the future to correct?
    Make so that the Russian language after the cleaning has not been changed!
    Or will it be the program is always to change the language Russian to English!
    Thanks in advance, I use a translator sorry for the grammar mistakes!
    So very uncomfortable!

    Shane Gowland

    @Phobos: I’m thinking of disabling the ‘desktop.ini’ cleaning on non-English operating systems, and adding a warning message when a user attempts to re-enable it.

    Something like “Cleaning folder configuration files will change some Windows folder names to English.”


    Shane: Good idea. Do not forget to check box: “Do not show this message next time.”

    yrik: Перестань спамить на форум, мы поняли твою проблему. Ты можешь добавить в исключения ini-файлы в тех папках которые меняют язык. В следующей версии программы, будет появляться предупреждение о последствиях удаления этих файлов. Другого решения проблемы пока нет.

    Shane Gowland

    Fix has been implemented.

    Those who already have “Folder Config Files” checked will not receive the warning and should uncheck this option to avoid the problem.

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