Hello System Ninja community.
I am here to tell everyone that Winapp2 has moved to GitHub. This change was made to more easily manage cleaning rules. It also means you can download a copy at anytime instead of waiting a month for a update.
I also want to tell everyone that there is a non-CCleaner file on GitHub that the System Ninja community should use instead of the old file. This new file contains all the rules that were removed due to being added to CCleaner, so System won’t lose it’s cleaning abilities.
The GitHub page is here: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2 The Non-CCleaner version is located in the Non-CCleaner folder. You can download a copy at anytime as they are updated often.
By the way, I am now a maintainer for Winapp2 (same username on GitHub, too), so if you want to contribute or have any questions, feel free to open a issue ticket or a pull request on GitHub.