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System ninja et CCEnhancer

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  • #12634



    Puis-je charger les règles de CCEnhancer dans System ninja.Si oui,comment dois-je faire(étape par étape svp,je ne m’y connais pas en informatique)

    D”avance merci pour votre aide


    Preferred Format:


    *See bottom for information on Warning (it is optional)


    This is the name of your entry, usually followed by a * for formatting purposes. This is what will appear in the Applications list within CCleaner.


    This indicates where on the list of applications within CCleaner your entry will appear. Appropriate LangSecRef numbers are below.
    <p class=”citation”>Quote</p>

    3021 = Applications
    3022 = Internet
    3023 = Multimedia
    3024 = Utilities
    3025 = Windows
    3026 = Firefox/Mozilla
    3027 = Opera
    3028 = Safari


    Section is the same idea, however it is user-defined. We currently use Section=Games for example in the main download, however it can be set to anything and a new category with that name will appear in the applications tab.


    These values are what CCleaner looks for to check if it should return true on an entry. Eg. DetectFile=%WinDir%\ will return true because this points to your windows directory.
    Environment Variables (below) are vastly preferred over direct paths (such as C:\*)

    Detect= points to a registry key
    DetectFile= points to a file or folder.
    Detect Paths:
    <p class=”citation”>Quote</p>



    DetectFile paths
    <p class=”citation”>Quote</p>

    ( C:\ substituted for system drive)

    Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data
    Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming

    Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
    Windows Vista/7: C:\ProgramData

    C:\Program Files\Common Files
    C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files
    This will work for both 32 and 64 bit directories as CCleaner will detect it on its own.


    Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Application Data
    Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\

    C:\Program Files\
    C:\Program Files(x86)
    This will work for both 32bit and 64bit because CCleaner detects these paths on its own.


    Windows XP: %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\{username}
    Windows Vista/7: %SystemDrive%\Users\{username}


    Windows XP: %UserProfile%\My Documents\My Pictures
    Windows Vista/7: %UserProfile%\My Pictures

    Windows XP: %UserProfile%\My Documents
    Windows Vista/7: %UserProfile%\Documents

    Windows XP: %UserProfile%\My Documents\My Videos
    Windows Vista/7: %UserProfile%\My Videos

    Windows XP: %UserProfile%\My Documents\My Music
    Windows Vista/7: %UserProfile%\My Music



    It is preferred that Default be set to false because Default is the default setting of the tickbox (False=Unticked)
    This is to ensure no one has any boxes ticked that they didn’t want ticked.


    The FileKeys and RegKeys are paths of items you’d like to delete. When pointing to these, you must list the path (using the environment variables above) then use the pipe symbol | and have the filenames/registry keys after
    <p class=”citation”>Quote</p>

    FileKey1=%AppData%\CCleaner|*.* – This deletes all files in a folder
    FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\CCleaner|*.log – This deletes all log files in a folder
    FileKey3=%AppData%\CCleaner|CCleaner.Log|RECURSE – This deletes all files with this name and extension in all subfolders as well
    FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\CCleaner\temp|*.*|REMOVESELF – This deletes all files in a folder and deletes the folder as well.
    FileKey5=%AppData%\CCleaner|*.log;*.tmp;*.txt|RECURSE – This will delete all files with these extensions from the parent folder and all subfolders.


    <p class=”citation”>Quote</p>

    | – the pipe symbol is used to separate file mask options.
    *.* – deletes every file in that folder.
    RECURSE – deletes subfolders and their contents
    REMOVESELF – is the same as RECURSE but it deletes the folder as well.
    * Deletes all files with the same extension (*.example) or all files with the same name (example.*)
    ; separates different files / filetypes in a filekey.

    <p data-select-like-a-boss=”1″>Warning=</p>
    If there is something the end user should know about an entry, such as it resetting play counts in a media player, high scores on a game, add a warning= followed by the message.
    Eg: Warning=This will delete all of your high scores.
    This is considered a courtesy to the end user in helping making them aware of what they’re deleting.


    Already has them.

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