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trouble using lates program

Home Forums Product Support trouble using lates program

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  • #14110
    win 10

    When I first tried system ninja when win 10 came out I had trouble with the junk fie removal tool. Fair enough it found a lot of junk but also took something important out (don’t know what) But I had made a restore point before and had to use that to get it working again.

    I updated to the latest issue last week seeing you had made alterations from the previous version. I did s junk removal last night and you still have the same problem. It makes my Lenovo very unstable. It shuts down when it shouldn’t and is very slow (the reason for running the program in the first place) luckily I had done a restore point again and after the restore I am OK again.

    Just letting you know I have learnt my lesson again and will not try that move again.



    We a need log to check your problem.

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