Reply To: JavaRa 2.1 – Localization – Proposals to help the current and new translator

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As you can see by my screenshoots, there are several pproblems about strings and GUI.

The russian language is not complete and is nor alphabetically sorted and it create a lot of problem to identify teh string missing.

The debug log is usefull because show the missing string.
Infact if your run teh program with russian language you can check that the GUI problems reported by me are the same because teh strings are missing for italian but also for russian language.

To dientify teh strings adding spaces at start or the end to the phrase to find the right issue is quite frustrating.

If you want to help the translator to fix the problem, you should do.

– Make a russian language file with all strings needs in alphabetical order.

In this way anyone can compare his language with yours.

Thanks. Bye.