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Javara operates by parsing a definition file that is populated with the locations of java registry settings, and directories, etc. If the appropriate directories are not in the definition file it will not be deleted. Also if the directory is open when its run it will not be able delete it, as it will be considered in use. I would recommend using a taskkill /f /im “program” for each java related program, as well as internet explorer before running javara. Also if you run the deployment say in SCCM and specify that nobody is logged on during the uninstall that might work better as well. If you let users know, you could even put a shutdown /l in there to ensure they are logged off. As far as the registry setting for that specific version.. I could not say. perhaps some reg settings didn’t make it into the definition. You can also do use msizap T {progid} to get rid of any remnants left behind.

Each one is different, unfortunately. Javara is not yet the perfect solution, but so far it’s better than anything Oracle has put out.
