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Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support /UNINSTALLALL /SILENT

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  • #8397

    One thing keeping this from working properly is that it is not a silent uninstall.

    It immediately pops up with “Are you sure you want to uninstall this product?”

    This is typical of a plain old msiexec /x {clsid}, with no switches, and is fine when running javara via the graphical interface.

    What is needed here instead is msiexec /X {clsid} /qn /norestart.

    If that is accomplished we can then use javara to uninstall java products on remote computers prior to installing the latest version. In fact, there is really no reason for using javara from the command line to uninstall at all without this ability.


    No response to this? Well then, can I at least get the project files so that I can fix it and recompile it myself?



    Found it.

    I’ll have a look and see if I can find it, or if not find why my suggestion was silly.


    Shane Gowland

    What is needed here instead is msiexec /X {clsid} /qn /norestart.

    It’s coming. The challenge is doing this without enraging UAC or the various security applications we’re testing with.


    Hi Shane, when pushing a script it is run as the system account on windows 7 in most cases, which is not subject to UAC’s incessant nagging. Locally it is, though. This can be gotten around by an admin who knows what they are doing. If they just log in as an admin, and “run as administrator” it will work.

    I have made a change to the code which allows me to push it out via an SMS script.
    It was literally a minor change to two lines of code so that I could pass your stay_silent variable, and 4 more lines of code to see if it was true, and change the uninstall string if it was. That includes the comment..

    I can either send you the project, or tell you what I did if you are interested.

    Nothing major, obviously. And I know it doesn’t address the UAC issue fully, but it serves my needs ok.



    One question though, how long is it supposed to take for an uninstallall to complete? It seems to do a lot right up front, and then it slows down. I’m running procmon to watch it. It’s been running for about 10 minutes. It just keeps creating and exiting threads.

    UAC is off on this machine.



    Nevermind, it was waiting for the form to close.. It’s been a while since I coded in actual VB, I’m mostly a scripter, so I forget about things like that… At any rate, I sussed it out.

    Had to add an If statement that checked before the call.. few mores.. I think it’s like 10 total now.

    Here’s the zip for the project.


    For my personal use, I have also made the command line parameters case insensitive and added a help dialog with the /? command line parameter for my tier 2 techs.

    I almost wrapped them all in a select statement so that it could handle unsupported switches gracefully as well, but…

    I should just stop now. I sense a coding bender coming on. Let me know if you want what I have done.




    I cleaned up the command line arguments and got rid of the arguments list that you were using in favor of the built in my.application.commandlineargs.

    change option compare to text from binary so that the command line arguments could be case-insensitive

    Converted command line argument parsing from multiple If statements to a select-case statement, and added a case else, for unknown command line arguments.

    Added some syntax checking

    Noticed that updatedefs was not working when the app was hidden, due to the fact that it was using a windows form backgroundworker to keep track of progress etc.

    I changed it to use webclient for the silent mode so that it would work when hidden.

    broke out the file download function from the button click, since button clicks don’t work when the form is hidden.

    All primary command line options now work with silent mode, and Javara is now fully scriptable.



    Wish I could edit my posts… I wouldn’t have to spam you like this.. 😛

    Forgot to attach the project (with the exe)

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