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Home Forums CCEnhancer Support Advanced/Trim

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  • #8575

    Hi – what exactly does the “Trim winapp2.ini” actually do?

    I’m sorry if this has been ask before, but I couldn’t find a way to search this forum.

    Does the trim also trim the embedded CCleaner rules, too?


    Shane Gowland

    Basically, it removes all the entries in the CCEnhancer definitions that are not relevant to your system. It’s a way to offset the performance degradation that CCleaner suffers when you add thousands of extra cleaning rules.

    Only use it if CCleaner speed is a problem. It’s still in development and tends to remove slightly more than necessary.


    Thanks – if I understand correctly, TRIM actually looks at installed Applications on the particular system and removes from winapp2.ini those that are not installed?

    Is there some way to mark it as a “beta” version or let us know when you are satisfied that its fully functional?

    And just for my reference, is there a way to “search” this forum? Sorry if its there and I missed it.


    Shane Gowland

    Your understanding is correct.

    The option is under the “advanced” menu and has an obscure, scary looking name. That achieves most of the same things as marking it “beta”

    There is a search page which can be accessed from the links in the footer.


    So, how can I use the TRIM?

    a) Open CCEnhancer.

    b) Click on Download Latest.

    c) Select “NO” when prompted (by CCEnhancer) to open CCleaner.

    d) Go to Advanced >Trim winapp2.ini.

    e) Open CCleaner and start using it.

    Am I correct OR am I missing something?

    Shane Gowland

    That sounds right


    Wow! That was FAST!!!
    Thank you for the immediate response! 😛 :mrgreen:


    Where i can donload  the trim

    a) Open CCEnhancer.

    b) Click on Download Latest.

    c) Select “NO” when prompted (by CCEnhancer) to open CCleaner.

    Not opended CCleaner for use Trim

    d) Go to Advanced >Trim winapp2.ini.

    e) Open CCleaner and start using it.

    Am I correct OR am I missing something?


    Attached is using the trim

    using separete is better ??

    Sorry error in my english ……


    Shane Gowland


    Yes ,  I did it.
    But look using the trin separete

    12:46:07,61 – 12:46:00,28 = 70 mSec     = Counted 1944 Configuration blocks

    YOU  MUST  NOT  “Run Cleaner”  –  ONLY  Click “Analyze”
    After Analysis please CLOSE CCleaner so script may continue.
    Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .
    12:46:33,07 – 12:46:10,37 = 230 mSec    = Using “CCLEANER64.EXE /DEBUG”
    12:46:33,11 – 12:46:33,07 = 00 mSec     = Built #_CCLEANER.LST
    12:46:33,21 – 12:46:33,11 = 00 mSec     = 185 off TRIMMED Config Blocks

    Found 185 – (Anomalies 0) = 185 Configs
    12:47:03,83 – 12:46:33,21 = 59700 mSec  = debug + Reduced WINAPP2 185 Configs

    Reporting “BAD” Volatile Detections in file #_?_BAD_*_WINAPP2.INI
    12:47:08,67 – 12:47:03,88 = 50 mSec     = 22 BAD In 2234 Det. = #_7_BAD_FULL.LST

    12:47:09,15 – 12:47:08,70 = 10 mSec     = 0 BAD In 193 Det. = #_8_BAD_MINI.LST
    @_#_7_BAD_FULL.LST Volatile Detections – (P)reserve or (S)kip : (P or S) ? P
    1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).

    NEW=20/01/2014 12:46 55770  .\#TRIMMER\WINAPP2.INI  = 185 Configs
    OLD=20/01/2014 12:44 554840  .\WINAPP2.INI – (U)pdate or (S)kip : (U or S) ? U
    Updating .\WINAPP2.INI with .\#TRIMMER\WINAPP2.INI
    1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).
    Pasta de C:\Program Files\CCleaner
    20/01/2014  12:46            55.770 WINAPP2.INI

    Child Folder .\#TRIMMER\ – (D)elete or (S)kip : (D or S) ? D
    20/01/2014  12:47    <DIR>          #TRIMMER
    Removing .\#TRIMMER\

    it gets better ?

    what think ?


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