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Can I download the latest definition file in Javara 2.3 and use it in 1.16

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support Can I download the latest definition file in Javara 2.3 and use it in 1.16

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  • #9328

    Hi everyone


    1. Can I via Javara version 2.3 download the latest definition file and after that use the definition file in Javara 1.16?

    Because I am blind, and Javara 1.16 has the best accessibility for screen readers, I still use version 1.16.


    1.2. Will Javara detect and remove the latest version of both Java Runtime Environment version 6.x and 7.x if I download the latest definition file?


    2. It is possible for you to make a link, where you, as a user, can download the latest definition file to Javara alone?


    Thanks for your answer, and happy Christmas :-).




    Shane Gowland

    The JavaRa 2.x definitions are not compatible with JavaRa 1.16


    Hi Shane


    OK regarding the definition file.


    1. Do you in the future still will update version 1.16 of Javara with new definition file or do you only will update the newere version?


    2. What regarding my question number two in my first post?


    Again very thanks for your answer :-).




    Shane Gowland

    They will both continue to receive updates.

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