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cannot update Java – jre1.7.0_07.msi missing

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support cannot update Java – jre1.7.0_07.msi missing

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  • #8464

    I try to update yo Java 7 rel 15.
    Each time I try, I get a message
    “The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is uanvailable. Enter a path to a folder containing the installation package ‘jre1.7.0_07.msi’.

    I found this file in the folder “Documents and Se tings\userXX\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.7.0_07”. However, when I select it, I got second message “jrel1.7.0_07.msi is not a valid installation package for the product Java 7 update 11. Try to find an installation package jre1.7.0_07.msi in a folder from which you can install Java 7 Update 11”

    If I click on “Cancel”, I get another error message “Error 1714. The older version of Java 7 Update 15 cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group”

    This is all strange because I try to install Update 15 and then I’m told about installing Update 11 … and removing Update 15 …”

    I guessed all my Java installation is messed up.

    So, I tried Java Ra but so far without success (I tried the various options but none solve the problem; I still cannot install update 15).

    Can you help ?


    I have been researching high & low for an answer to the very same problem that you posted here, but no method of resolution has worked. Did you ever get this problem fixed on your computer? I would be very interested in knowing what you’ve done to resolve this issue. My HP laptop with Windows 8 was purchased only three months ago & has worked beautifully until this Java problem popped up after I allowed Java to automatically download updates. I’m about to pull my hair out trying to find a solution. Please respond to let me know what you have found out.


    Uninstall JRE using RevoUninstaller then install a new version JRE.

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