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Confused on Home page

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support Confused on Home page

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  • #7432

    Dear Singularlabs … maybe I’m lazy or maybe I’m busy … but your home page seems awfully confusing …

    I want to “… removes old and redundant versions of the Java Runtime Environment”

    There is no clear option to do this! I can update Java Runtime and I can remove JRE? Do I need to 1) remove JRE and 2) download and install the latest JRE and 3) update? I don’t get it.

    “Simply select “Check for Updates” or “Remove Older Version” to begin.

    Neither of these two options exist in the diagram! I see Update Java Runtime? I see Remove JRE? What option do I use. Can we just say “JRE” on both??

    Please change the home page to indicate exactly what the program does and which option to choose to do it …

    Shane Gowland

    Thanks for your feedback.

    We’re still in the progress of updating the text/documentation on our website to reflect the changes in JavaRa 2.0. Once this is done; hopefully the confusion can be resolved.

    Pierre (aka Terdef)

    I agree, but it is not easy to explain on the home page of the program. Maybe with a little pop-up text when the cursor is on the icon.

    1 / Update (or install) then clean the traces of what is old and outdated that installers / uninstallers left.

    2 / Delete a version (or all versions) then clean the traces of what is old and outdated that installers / uninstallers left.

    3 / Update the signature database

    4 / Miscellaneous

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