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Home Forums System Ninja Support Favicons

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  • #11482
    Poppa Mintin

    Hi, I believe I’ve always had this problem in all the years I’ve been using System Ninja…

    Whenever I run the Junk remover it also removes all the Favicons from my Google Chrome browser.

    I just installed System Ninja 3.1.2 to be sure I’m up-to-date and find that it still happens.

    Of the 13 tick-boxes ticked, only Folder Config Files is unticked, I suspect that one of the others needs un-ticking in order to retain my Favicons but I’ve no idea which one.

    Or of course there maybe something else I’m not aware of.





    Shane Gowland

    Hi Poppa,

    Go to Options -> Scan Exclusions and add Chrome’s favicon file to the exclusion list.

    The path should be C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Favicons

    Poppa Mintin

    My!  That was fast.

    Thank you Shane, I found the ‘C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default’ folder but there is no Favicons folder.

    I figured that I should maybe replace some favicons to get Google to generate the file…  Since I’d just got rid of them all.

    Sadly this made no difference, nor did closing the browser nor opening it again, when I re-opened it the favicons I’d refreshed were still there.

    Is there some trick to get Google to comply ?




    Shane Gowland

    \Favicons isn’t a folder, it’s a file without an extension.


    Poppa Mintin

    Thanks Shane,

    I opened this thread intending to mention that my OS is Win.10 but found you’d already answered my previous post.

    I found the file once I knew it was a file, not a folder and did as you suggest, then ran System Ninja again, deleted all the ‘Junk’ and re-opened the browser and the favicons were still there…

    Well done, problem solved.  I’d mark this thread as resolved if I knew how…



    Shane Gowland

    Glad you got it sorted. 🙂

    I’ll go ahead and close this thread.

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