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French Language

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support JavaRa Translations French Language

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  • #5890

    hello every one, here is a french language for javara 2.0

    [b][URL=]french language[/URL][/b]

    best regards,


    Shane Gowland

    Thank you very much. This will be added on the next release.

    Pierre (aka Terdef)


    I need a complete list of literals used.
    The operation is to search for the English literal, in a localized file, and to take the proposed translation.
    I think this is a bad approach. At the slightest change in the English literal (typo, editing, punctuation …) there is no more correspondence in translation files.
    I just put side by side the four current translations.
    There are no two using the same literals list.
    I think you should use a literal number pointing to a table. Literals in all languages, including English, should be in these tables.
    Some literals, not found in the lists, carefully copied from actual English in JavaRa, can not be found when using my translation table. Maybe they are hard coded.

    Thanks to Anonymous for the first French translation.
    Actual correction and extension of the French translation.

    Shane Gowland

    Thanks for the translation update.

    Please report any strings that aren’t changing, even when a valid translation is provided in the locale file. Make sure you’re using the “output_strings.true” switch to correctly dump untranslated strings.

    Using an on-the-fly English to non-English translation system was a design choice, initially made to allow localizations to be silently updated through System Ninja’s CleanSync technology.

    There are no plans to revert to another method. Most users appreciate the simplicity of uncompiled, plain-text translation files.

    We also have a system in place to allow us to make minor changes to the English version of a string without affecting translations.

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