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Issue with METROTEXTUAL update message

Home Forums Product Support MetroTextual Support Issue with METROTEXTUAL update message

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  • #11160


    I have REMEMBER installed in my system. That is all, however, now that it is installed, EVERY time that my ‘puter starts up I receive a message online in the upper left corner of my screen letting me know that “there is a NEW VERSION of Metro Textual available.”

    It is a very nice message, and I appreciate knowing about it, but really I don’t care about the new version because I am not using it and have no need for it. I would like to know how I may STOP the message from appearing anymore. Ever. At all.

    And congratulations on having reached the 5M dnlds mark.

    Please let me know how to fix this issue.



    Shane Gowland


    Remembr’s updater is accidentally pushing the wrong message. It’s a new version of Remembr that is available; and updating to it will make this notification go away.

    David Watts

    Incorrect! I have updated twice now and am still receiving this pop up! I like the program and don’t want to uninstall it but I will if this doesn’t stop appearing. Annoying to say the least. Please fix, thanks 🙂

    Shane Gowland

    You shouldn’t be getting this message at all if you’re running the latest version from October 2015. The text was also corrected in this version.

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