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JavaRa 2.4 : several problems

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support JavaRa 2.4 : several problems

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #9547



    I have several problems with JavaRa 2.4.

    1) In Additional tasks, I select Check Java version, then I click [Run], but nothing is displayed. In the log file I find this error message :

    <i>Exception encountered in module [JavaRa]
    Message: La référence d’objet n’est pas définie à une instance d’un objet.
    à JavaRa.routines_registry.output_jre_version()</i>

    2) When I want to use Remove JRE function the first step is grayed with this message : <i>No uninstaller found.</i>

    3) In Settings > Program language it’s not possible to choose language, although localization files are installed.

    My configuration : Windows / x86

    Remark : JavaRa 1.16 works well.


    Bernard Ribot


    1) Confirm the problem.
    2) In the system there is no uninstaller JRE. Probably you deleted it themselves when cleaning the system from junk. This is not a problem JavaRa.
    3) Specify the operating system and the full path to JavaRa.


    Hello, and thanks for your answer.
    1) OK
    2) Only one version of Java is installed on my PC, the last version. However, JavaRa should find the items to uninstall this version ?
    In the Registry I find the uninstall key : see attached file java.txt.
    More, the problem is also describe in this post :
    3) My OS is Windows 7 / x86 and the full path to JavaRa is : “C:\Program Files\JavaRa”
    Best regards,

    Shane Gowland

    Problems one and two are likely caused by this known issue.


    My 3 problems are resolved in JavaRa 2.5.



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