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JavaRa definition file incomplete

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support JavaRa definition file incomplete

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #9366

    With the latest version (2.3) I keep getting an incomplete definition file which renders the program useless.

    The version in the 2.3 download is incomplete – top line says 5339 lines but the file is only 5235 lines

    In the 2.2 zip file the file was complete at 5303 lines

    If I try to download the latest definition from within the program (2.3) I also get an incomplete file and it’s different every time.

    Can you please publish a public link to download the latest definition file?

    Shane Gowland

    The latest definition file is always found at this url:

    I’ll look into why the file was only partially updated on the last update. I can’t think of any reason why the tools used to generate the definition file would create a shorter file, so there is likely an error there that will need to be resolved.

    Just an aside: the ‘linecount=’ value may not always be accurate, as it’s currently only used to allow the progressbar to roughly estimate what percentage of lines have been processed.


    Thanks – I had eventually found that URL by examining the JavaRa executable using Process Explorer, then wrote a quick CMD script that uses wget to update it manually, with which I received a complete file.

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