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System Ninja 2.4.2 Technical Changelog

Home Forums System Ninja Support System Ninja 2.4.2 Technical Changelog

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  • #8662
    Shane Gowland
    • Implemented a Settings API

      Allows plugins and core modules to store configuration data in System Ninja’s configuration file. Handles all data integrity checks and ensures that plugins cannot create superflous files.

    • Automatic Log Pruning

      When error logging is enabled, any log files more than two days old will be removed when System Ninja closes.

    • Encapsulated all API methods into the ‘API’ class

      The new class can be initialized by plugin and provides accessor and mutator methods for most core functionality

    • Error Logging Improvements

      Greater detail and depth is included in the error logs when debug mode is enabled. It’s now possible to determine which module, plugin or class generated an error to ease debugging.

    • Error logging API

      Plugins can now directly write to the error log to assist with development.

    • Added search filtering to Software Uninstaller tool

      It’s possible to identify installed programs based on a search phrase.

    • Design changes to Software Uninstaller tool

      The list of installed programs is now a representation of a collection of InstalledProgram objects, rather than simply a list of data.

    • Plugins can now use custom form names

      Previously, plugins would only be detected if their startup form was called ‘Form1.’ This limitation has been removed, allowing plugins to use thier assembly name as a primary form name instead.

    • Numeric sorting issue resolved.

      Previously, the scan results list could only be sorted alphabetically. This meant that files could not be properly ordered by filesize, as the unit of measurement (eg KB, MB) would interfere with the Sort() method.

    • Firefox cache is no longer detected when the internet cache checkbox is unchecked.
    • Updated Russian and Vietnamese translations
    • Fixed crash in Software Uninstaller

      If the uninstaller referenced in the ‘UninstallString’ registry value does not exist, the FileNotFoundException is correctly handled.

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