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System Ninja 3.2.1 and all versions crashes in the middle of the scan

Home Forums System Ninja Support System Ninja 3.2.1 and all versions crashes in the middle of the scan

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  • #13410
    Shane Gowland

    This should be fixed in the upcoming version.


    It’s FINALLY working again.  I fixed it by accident.  I had (as Micro$oft recommended) an Administrators account and a Users account that I was logged into.  Guess what?  That users account didn’t have full rights to access all folders or something.  That’s all I can figure.

    I had an Event error where I couldn’t access THAT log under the user account so I changed it somehow and went back to jut the one account.  Don’t ask me how. And NOW System Ninja works.

    Before that it was just accessing the temp folders and the Firefox one was always empty.


    Spoke too soon.  When I closed out System Ninja or restarted my computer it no longer worked.

    What I suspect is that SN updated itself and since I had installed an older version the Winapp2.ini no longer worked in the updated version.  They are two totally different files.

    I go to GitHub and download the Zip File which contains the Winapp2-Master to my desktop.

    Non-CCleaner Folder
    Tools Folder
    Winapp3 Folder

    Now looking at the (new) Winapp2.ini from the Non-CCleaner Folder with Notepad++  and comparing THAT with my OLD Winapp2.ini  from SN  v5.15.160311 – well.

    This winapp2.ini starts out with:
    [.NET Assembly Temps*]

    And every other winapp2.ini from there on in looks identical to a CCleaner winapp2.ini instead.  I don’t write code and I don’t know anything about code but would you mind looking at the old .ini files and comparing them?   I have every possible NETFramework program installed so that’s not the problem.












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