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System Ninja virus detection.

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    Before you panic, download the program from the official site.
    Go to the website “Virustotal” and check it to make sure it is safe.

    Stephen Perrone

    I think Windows Defender glitched due to my high rate of activity while running System Ninja (btw, I don’t use the option to include other files in its junk scan).

    It quarantined System Ninja and said it did that because it detected “Trojan:Win32/Codinx.B!cl”.!cl&threatid=2147709212&enterprise=0

    I always update using the check for update feature within System Ninja. Which is say I download from this site. Windows Defender wouldn’t let me restore it or even look at it so I couldn’t submit System Ninja.exe to another scan or submit it elsewhere. Now that I think of it, Microsoft might want to rethink that policy.

    Anyway, I told Defender to delete the file, that was allowed, and reinstalled System Ninja using a fresh download. Sadly I had already deleted the earlier download so I can’t scan that. Though you have to wonder why Windows Defender suddenly took issue with System Ninja? Well, I allow Windows Defender to “talk” to Microsoft by giving feedback so hopefully they’ll eventually see that the trigger on Windows Defender kicks in incorrectly with System Ninja. I do Full scans fairly regularly and quick scans every day.

    I’m assuming this is a Defender glitch as the quarantine happened right after using System Ninja. It would be wild to imagine that some virus had got into my system and went after System Ninja.

    Just a heads-up so in case someone else reports the same thing you’ll have more info to present to Microsoft. I just now thought of doing another run with System Ninja but I better post this first.

    Stephen Perrone

    To be clear about the other activity I was originally doing when Windows Defender did its quarantine; I was launching other cleaning programs in preparation to running them. One of them was Microsoft’s Disk Cleanup and maybe that’s connected. Anyway, I just did a Full Scan with Defender and all is OK. I’ll use the scanner from Trend Micro later.


    On my windows 8.1 running Windows Defender as default antivirus. Not faced with similar problems.
    What your OS? Windows Defender is updated? OS is updated?

    I recommend periodically checking system of good antivirus software: Kaspersky or Dr.Web. Miscellaneous Trojans and malicious plugins good catch: Malwarebytes and SUPERAntiSpyware.

    Stephen Perrone

    I’m on Windows 10, using the latest update Microsoft started pushing out a short time ago. Windows Defender gets updated every day.

    This latest major update from Microsoft might be causing some oddness on the margins. Cams that use h264 became out of luck with this update, for example.

    Anyway, I chalk it up to running the cleaner while launching other programs, including Microsoft’s utility. The cleaner might have deleted junk while the system was using them and maybe that triggered Defender. Or maybe Defender just locked up and then looked at the only running program as the culprit.

    This latest update from Microsoft has a lot to do with security. Figured I owed it to the community to mention this, it’s not a criticism.




    Phew, I’m glad I’m not the only one!


    Yesterday Avast stopped working – all modules disconnected (firewall/AV). I tried to repair the program, didn’t work. So I uninstalled and after restarting, Windows Defender said I had a trojan (Trojan:Win32/Codinx.B!cl).


    Oddly, Malwarebytes never found this – so I’m not sure what’s going on.


    I deleted the “trojan” and System Ninja and then ran a few more scans and reset all passwords just in case.


    Also – I’m on Windows 10, too (latest build).

    I normally wouldn’t be concerned, but the fact that Avast would not initiate, that’s a bit weird. It would be great if someone official could look into this.


    OK. I confirm problem. Defender on Windows 10 generate false positive.
    Add a program to the exceptions.

    Shane Gowland

    Looking into this.

    Stephen Perrone

    Same conditions as last time except I was actually running Windows Defender at the time, doing a quick scan preparatory to a cleaning and making an image backup. Windows defender alerted both that it found a Trojan and that it had generated an error. The error code was 0x8050800c. It still finished its scan and when I looked it had system ninja in quarantine.

    This time I can confirm I downloaded System Ninja from the official source, and that it was the latest version. This time I wasn’t using any cleaner, I was just launching some programs, System Ninja and Microsoft’s Disk Cleanup being two of them.

    I should probably mention that I use PrimoCache. If I had to guess I’d say that this is more or less user error on my part as Windows can’t deal with what I’m loading into memory all at once, and that some of those programs have administrative privileges.

    Thank you to all the other posters as it helps me in seeing this is just a rare Windows bug. I’m posting my recent experience, and the error code, so as to help the developers of this great program.

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