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Window size and columns

Home Forums CCEnhancer Support Window size and columns

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #6111

    Hello there,

    I like to set my windows up to a specific size and use specific columns. Every time I run ccleaner with the latest enhancements, Windows forgets the size and column choices I’ve made for the windows. Which option in the enhanced ccleaner do I need to uncheck to prevent this from happening?

    Thank you so very much for your great product!

    Russell Zoloft

    Shane Gowland

    Uncheck ‘Windows 7 Shellbags’ and ‘Window Size/Location Cache’

    And thanks!


    Wow, thanks for the super fast response. I already had the size/location cache unchecked (probably should have mentioned that), but unchecked the shellbags also.

    Again, thanks a ton!


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