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Windows 7 x64 – No Uninstaller found

Home Forums Product Support JavaRa Support Windows 7 x64 – No Uninstaller found

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  • #8421

    When I try to Remove Java Rumtine in Step 1 it says No Uninstaller Found.

    I have different Versions of Java installed, see Attachment. Is this a problem with X64?


    I’ve seen a similar problem: I have a small group of systems(a few dozen) and I’m preparing to use JavaRa for Java housekeeping, but have stalled after running into an inconsistency with the step 1 detection to remove uninstallers. Here’s what I’ve seen: My “bench test” JavaRa 2.1 runs with Win7 x64 and Win7 x32 look great. With both, step 1 detects properly and “Remove Java Runtime” brings up uninstallers. For step 2 (my favorite feature), “Perform Removal Routine” works well also.

    So, to reiterate, I’ve used JavaRa 2.1 with a couple of Win7 x64 systems and it runs fine as intended.

    Where I hit a snag was with my first couple of “live user” tests. Both had Java 6u39 (standard config has been to start with 6u23 for a particular app requirement); one also had an older Java 4, the other had the recent Java7u13. The step 1 detection for uninstallers 1) didn’t find the old Java 4 and Java 6 on one system, and also didn’t show the Java 6 & Java 7 on the second system.

    I haven’t done any real detective work to look for clues yet, but I wonder if Java variations with CLSID keys make JavaRa’s task all the more difficult and result in hit & miss problems like this.

    My take on it at this point is that JavaRa is a great IT guy tool. I really like the “Perform Removal Routine” and the definitions file shows solid effort. Unfortunately, if JavaRa occasionally has a problem with step 1, it leaves the casual user with a “what do I do now” problem. As an IT guy, I guess my workaround is to use the Win 7 “uninstall a program” and then use the JavaRa “Perform Removal Routine” for deep cleaning…

    Please let us know if there’s a JavaRa log, or maybe a CLSID key ID or something that could help us to help SingularLabs with the development effort!

    Thanks, and keep up the good work!

    Shane Gowland

    Hi Sputnik, thank you for your feedback.

    The best way to help improve JavaRa’s uninstall is to export InstallProperties registry key for undetected JRE instances.

    You should get something like this.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “InstallLocation”=”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre7\\”
    “DisplayName”=”Java 7 Update 9”

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