
The program crashes on startup or doesn’t start at all:

CCEnhancer requires administrator privileges to use. You must use the “Run As Administrator” function if running Windows Vista or newer.

CCEnhancer attempts to access the registry on startup to determine where CCleaner is installed. Many anti-virus programs find this behaviour undesirable so they silently block it, causing CCEnhancer to crash on startup. Try adding it to your anti-virus products exception or “safe” list.

You may not have the correct version of the .NET framework installed, or the framework could be corrupt or damaged (happens more often than you would think). CC Enhancer requires .NET 3.5 which can be downloaded from here.

When I click the “Download Latest” button nothing happens, or it freezes, crashes or presents an “unable to connect to The Web Atom server” error.

Please read solution number one and two above. These tend to fix the majority of issues with CCEnhancer being unable to connect to the internet.

Add CCEnhancer to the list of programs allowed to connect to the Internet in your firewall settings.

Add [] and [] to the list of safe websites inside your firewall or anti-virus software.

How do I uninstall CCEnhancer?

You don’t. CCEnhancer is a portable application and doesn’t install anything on your computer, just delete the .exe. To remove the custom rules simply use the “Delete Custom Rules” menu button under “Functions” in the CCEnhancer interface. If you have deleted the application but not the rules, navigate to where CCleaner is installed and delete the file called “winapp2.ini.”

8 thoughts on “Troubleshooting”

  1. CCEnhancerBeta Not working for me on windows 7.I keep getting a pop up saying CCleaner not installed. I do have the current version 3.00.1303 installed.

    • CCEnhancer doesn’t recognize CCleaner version 3.00.1303.

      First reinstall an old CCleaner 2.xx version, then install CCEnhancer and than install CCleaner 3.00.1303.

  2. CCenhancer (now 1.4.3) says CCleaner is not installed.I do have the leatest version installed and working. Disabling AV and/or running as admin doesn’t hep. ANyone any idea?

    • Try dropping the CCEnhancer.exe file you downloaded and the winapp2.ini file into the CCleaner installation folder. That seemed to solved the problem for me.

  3. Great utility but unable to install due to CCleaner is installed in another drive rather than the default drive “C”. How would you suggest the necessary fix in this type of situation without changing the installation folder and drive?

  4. don’t work:

    could not make a connection to the web atom server …..

    is that “say” when y try to use the first time

    win xp /pc tools firewall plus/ norton 2011

    I wait your answers


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