Forum Replies Created
Pierre (aka Terdef)
I’ve found a problem
Translation of
Update cleaning rules and language files automaticallyThe good translation is:
Mise à jour automatique des règles et de la traduction
This fails and it is the English literal that is usedThis faulty translation work
Mise à jour automatique des regles et de la traduction
The problem is the e + grave accent (è).There’s, probably, the same type of error on other accented characters.
But :
System Tools|Outils système
works fine !???Operating System|Système d’exploitation
works fine !???Motherboard|Carte mère
works fine !???Aso…
Use UNICODE Charset
Test with
ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýPierre (aka Terdef)
Why are we unable to activate the translations of :
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All on About pagePierre (aka Terdef)
Running System Ninja, for updating my French translation from 2.4.3 to 2.4.4
1/ Common Torrent Tags
Run 2.4.4 Junk Scanner, only searching for Common Torrent Tags.
I select a scan for C:
I am not sure that those files are Common Torrent Tags :C:\Users\xxx User xxx\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\3eij1t5d.default\sessionstore.js {0,00KB}
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs\asl.230854_21Nov13.log {5,36KB}
C:\Users\xxx User xxx\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Silverlight\mssl.lck {0,08KB}
C:\Users\xxx User xxx\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Silverlight\InBrowser\Profiles\Jit64_BD74B381.profile {0,74KB}
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Standalone System Sweeper Tool\Support\OfflineScan.log {10,94KB}
C:\Users\xxx User xxx\AppData\Local\Mozilla\updates\6E43D2A9CC6D97B9\active-update.xml {0,06KB}
C:\Users\xxx User xxx\AppData\Local\Mozilla\updates\6E43D2A9CC6D97B9\updates.xml {8,80KB}
C:\Users\xxx User xxx\AppData\Local\Mozilla\updates\6E43D2A9CC6D97B9\updates\backup-update.log {3,62KB}
C:\Users\xxx User xxx\AppData\Local\Mozilla\updates\6E43D2A9CC6D97B9\updates\last-update.log {0,76KB}2/ Just after, I unselect Common Torrent Tags and I select Incompatible Files.
I’ve got the same previous list than with Common Torrent Tags.
None of them are “Incompatible Files”.3/ Just after, I unselect Incompatible Files and I select Thumbnail caches.
I have got Thumbnail caches AND the same previous list than with Common Torrent Tags4/ Just after, I unselect Thumbnail caches and I select Game caches.
I have the same previous list than with Common Torrent Tags5/ Just after, I unselect Game caches and I select, once again, Incompatible Files.
I have a large list, very different from point 2 above, where MAC files were found.
All files listed are MAC files from a secure copy of the driver software from one of my external MAC/PC hard drive. I am not sure they are to be qualified as “Junk files”.
One of them is in my Apache Web Server (easyPHP Dev. Server) and IS NOT a junk file.6/ Do a scan only on drive D
Got junk files from C and D7/ Error in sorting process by size. Screen shot be continued (?…)
Pierre (aka Terdef)
ParticipantAnd the complete list of literals? Coming soon too?
😉Pierre (aka Terdef)
ParticipantI agree, but it is not easy to explain on the home page of the program. Maybe with a little pop-up text when the cursor is on the icon.
1 / Update (or install) then clean the traces of what is old and outdated that installers / uninstallers left.
2 / Delete a version (or all versions) then clean the traces of what is old and outdated that installers / uninstallers left.
3 / Update the signature database
4 / Miscellaneous
Pierre (aka Terdef)
I need a complete list of literals used.
The operation is to search for the English literal, in a localized file, and to take the proposed translation.
I think this is a bad approach. At the slightest change in the English literal (typo, editing, punctuation …) there is no more correspondence in translation files.
I just put side by side the four current translations.
There are no two using the same literals list.
I think you should use a literal number pointing to a table. Literals in all languages, including English, should be in these tables.
Some literals, not found in the lists, carefully copied from actual English in JavaRa, can not be found when using my translation table. Maybe they are hard coded.Thanks to Anonymous for the first French translation.
Actual correction and extension of the French translation. -